viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Roberto Bolaño

If you seriously think of the posibility of this blog being some other unnecesary honor and sacrifice upon the mainstream latinamerican artists, well... you might be thinking of Roberto Bolaño.

It doesnt mean that he was in some way a hipster. Yet it is undeniable that our idea of a hipster is strongly linked with a crew of writers that was first seen at the early 20th century, and whose habits and signs were recieved and continued by some artists born in the 50s and 60s.

Coffee shops, dark lonely streets, bleak city benches, forbidden-forgotten subways... images that could describe their elemental tools and resources.

Roberto, let us sit on your chairs, stroll around your huge crime cities, let us get wet under gray rainy afternoons, and be not-in-good-mood intelectuals, lost but happy

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