lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

On Latin American literature.

So here we are, at a blog whose very title states a difference between Latin American and American poetry.

Someone should be wondering what is the point in defining such border.

Then the next logical question is: what links an artist to a specific national or regional space?

In any case, editorial and patriotic values and views are what's more powerful when you look at an author's claimed nationality.

Borges, for instance, taking into account his refined litteracy, could as well be considered to be an English writer. But how could argentinian people let that happen? Ergo, he is a Latin American.

A reasonable last note is this: many intelectuals, after nationalism bonded to romantic movements faded, are more confortable with a world citizen status.

But, will politics some day acknowledge that trend?

Futhermore, does it really count regarding editorial affairs?

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