martes, 2 de julio de 2013

Apocryphal gospel fragments, part 2.

17. The one that kills for the sake of righteousness, or for a cause he considers right, has no guilt.
18. Men acts do not deserve fire or heavens.
19. You shall not hate your enemy. If you do, you will be in some way his slave. Your hate will never be more valuable that your peace.
20. If your right hand offends you, forgive it. Your are your soul and your body, and it is arduous, or imposible, to set the border between them.
21. You shall not exagerate the cult of truth for there´s no man that, at the end of the day, had not lied rightfully many times.
22. You shall not swear, for swearing is an emphasis.
23. Resist evil, but without fear or amazement. If someone hurts your right cheek, you might show him the other one, if it is not fear what moves you.
24. I don´t speak about vengeance or forgiveness, for oblivion is the only vengeance and the only forgiveness. Doing well to your enemy can be matter of righteousness and isn´t difficult; love him, task for angels, not men.
25. Do well to your enemies is the best way to please your vanity.
26. Don´t treasure gold in this life, for it is the father of leisure, which is father of sadness and tedium.
27. Think that other are rightful or will be, and if they aren´t it wont be your mistake.
26. God is more generous than men, and will judge them with different measures.
27. Give the sacred to the dogs, throw pearls at the pigs; what matters is giving.
28. Look for the joy of looking, not for the sake of finding.
29. The door is who chooses, not the man.
30. Do not judge the tree for its fruits or a man for his actions, they can be better or worse.
31. Nothing is built on rock, everything is built on sand, but our duty is to build on sand as if we were on rock.
32. Happy those who are brave, those who receive with equal mood defeat or clapping.
33. Happy are the poor without resentment, and the rich with no arrogance.
34. Happy those who keep words from Virgil or Christ in memory, for these will bring light upon their days.
35. Happy are the loved and the lovers, and those who can dispense with love.
36. Happy those who are happy.

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