martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Everything arrives late even death

Everything arrives late, even our death!
It´s never satisfied or gained
the sweet possession of a hope
when desire urges us more strongly.

Everything might arrive, but it is noticed
that everything is late; the bonanza
after the tragedy; the applause
when inspiration is inert already.

The justice reveals its scale
when muted time that on earth wanders
has poured centuries in history.

And Glory, that nymph of luck,
only dances over ancient graves.
Everything arrives late, even our death!

--Julio Flórez.

1 comentario:

  1. Qué hermosura, me conmueve mucho que haya personas como Federico, que mediante traducciones asiduas pero a la vez ingeniosas, expanden el público que puede leer la bella poesía en español... Esto es una de las facetas más profundas de compartir...
